(This is a brief outline of a sermon based around God’s choice of appointing David as the new King of Israel)
Introduction – Use an Illustration of how God used a seemingly unlikely person to do great exploits for Him.
“God’s method is a man, and you are that man” – Dr Colton Wickramaratne
Proposition : Ask God to make you a chosen vessel for His glory.
I would like to cover the topic through 5 points taken from 1 Samuel 16 where David was chosen and anointed as King by the Prophet Samuel.
1) God’s choice is a timely choice (verse 1)
*Saul had failed as King and God had rejected him. Samuel was in mourning over the developments and the need for a new leader was gripping him.
* The timing and circumstances were right for David to be chosen.
* Even now, God is looking for men and women He can choose and use for His glory. Are you ready for that? The time is right for God to use you!
* Even though you may not have seen a lot happening in your life and ministry till now, God can lift you up to a place of spiritual power and authority like He did with Esther and Joseph. We need to ‘aspire to inspire before we expire’!
Illustration: How God raised Pastor David Wilkerson to minister to street gangs and through that work how the worldwide ministry of Teen Challenge was established.
2) God’s choice is a prepared choice (verse 3/12)
- God had already prepared David while tending his father’s sheep faithfully in the fields. He had learned to depend on God through mundane situations as well as through trying circumstances (1 Samuel 17:34-36).
- If the Lord has been leading you through a preparation period that seems to be taking a long time, be patient. We learn our best lessons in waiting. Joseph waited roughly 13 years to see his dream become reality!
- Even the hard times we go through teach us valuable lessons that will inspire our future victories. Remember how God prepared Moses for 40 years for a great adventure in Egypt.
- What has God called you to? He has been preparing you for this moment.
3) God’s choice is a righteous choice (verse 7)
- God knew David’s heart. He is more concerned about the inner man than our outward personality and strengths.
- Let’s be men/women with a ‘heart’ for God and His presence, and with a heart of compassion to serve people.’
- Illustration: Mother Theresa – She once said her heart was to ‘Help the poor by living among them. To fail (therefore) would be to break faith’
4) God’s choice is an unexpected choice (verse 11)
- God’s choices are very different to man’s choices. He doesn’t depend purely on ability, skill, talent or qualification as the world systems do.
- David was a totally unexpected choice. He wasn’t even at home when Samuel turned up! One of his strong brothers would have been the most likely choice, but God had a different plan.
- God also chose an unlikely candidate in Jeremiah who would later become a prophet to nations and kingdoms (Jeremiah 1:6-10).
- You too need not be a celebrity for God to use you. He looks for ‘availability’, commitment, vision and faith.
5) God’s choice is an empowered choice (verse 12-13)
- David was anointed by Samuel and received God’s empowerment for the challenges ahead.
- Similarly, the Holy Spirit will anoint and empower you for the task that God calls you to (Acts 1:8). The magnitude of the task doesn’t matter when He empowers you.
- Isn’t it sad that we show all our abilities when applying for a job, a scholarship or a career advancement, but tend to show our disabilities (like Moses), when God calls us!
- The Lord is waiting to give you a new anointing and His empowerment for your future ministry. Expect Him to do beyond what you think possible. A man of God said, “When preachers are on fire in their ministry, people come to watch them burn for Jesus”!
- Illustration: It is said that these words are on the tombstone of Missionary John Paton – “When he came there were no Christians, only heathen; when he left there were no heathen, only Christians”. What a powerful testimony!
- God is waiting to use you powerfully too.
Closing: Will you be God’s chosen man or woman? Refer the 5 points in this sermon outline and pray over each one of them. I would love to hear from you when He begins to do great works through you.
For further reading follow this link: https://www.preachingplatform.org/sermons/faith-unseen-heroes