Category: Devotionals (Page 1 of 6)

Speak Words of Kindness (Proverbs 12:25)

A visual to denote speaking words of kindness showing the words 'Thank You'.

Devotional on Kindness:

A little child with learning difficulties had a tough time during her first sessions in class and was coping poorly. During the following year however, her learning improved quite dramatically. In case you’re wondering why? – Well, after her first day in the new class, the new teacher called up every child individually and whispered something into their ear. When this particular child walked up, the teacher had leaned over and whispered, “I wish I had a child like you.” Those words of kindness were the catalyst for a powerful change in the child’s behavior and learning.

Country singer Christy Lane once sang –


The Tomb – Given with Courage and Commitment

A visual of a tomb to depict the tomb given by Joseph of Arimathea for Jesus' burial.

This reading based around Joseph of Arimathea, is from Day – 21 of the Devotional titled, “Reflections on Passion Week”. The e-book can be purchased on here. (Available on Amazon Kindle and Kindle Unlimited).

Scripture: “As evening approached, there came a rich man from Arimathea, named Joseph, who had himself become a disciple of Jesus. Going to Pilate, he asked for Jesus’ body, and Pilate ordered that it be given to him.” (Matthew 27:57-58)

After Jesus’ death, Joseph of Arimathea, who was a prominent and upright member of the Jewish Council, went boldly before Pilate and requested permission to bury the body. In the process, he had to go through the tension of first facing an unscrupulous and treacherous governor, and thereafter, a battle-hardened centurion (Mark 15:43-45, Luke 23:50). After checking with the centurion whether Jesus was already dead, Pilate eventually released the body to Joseph (Mark 15:45). 


Strength From God’s Word – Episode 2 – ‘Delays are not Denials.’

Podcast on ‘Delays are not Denials’.

This message based on the book of Esther chapters 2 and 6, encourages us to believe in God’s timing when we face delayed answers to our prayers. It is a 2.30′-minute podcast that will encourage you to trust God in prayer. For another similar podcast click here. If you are blessed by this podcast, please do subscribe to our You Tube channel here. Thanks.

Crossing Turbulent Waters – (Isaiah 43:2)

A visual of turbulent waters in a swirling river to capture the theme of God's protection in danger.
Image by Hardebeck Media from Pixabay

Introduction: Illustration on Turbulent Waters.

In 1969, Reggae singer Jimmy Cliff recorded a song that has been subsequently covered by many illustrious artistes. It was titled, ‘Many Rivers To Cross’. Jimmy Cliff mentioned that the song was birthed out of the frustration and helplessness he felt after moving from Jamaica to the UK. The feelings came about because unlike what he had expected, nothing significant seemed to be happening in his career at that time.

The lyrics go like this:

Many rivers to cross 
But I can't seem to find my way over 
Wandering I am lost 
As I travel along the white cliffs of Dover 

Are you feeling like that today? Surrounded by turbulent waters that you can’t seem to cross? It is a fact that many people are facing turbulent waters today, specially with the ripple effects of COVID-19. In the midst of such challenges, the Word of God gives us great hope and assurance. In fact, the Bible encourages us to trust Him completely as we face the turbulent waters of life.


God’s Provision Revealed: Devotional

Visual of grain in abundance to signify God's provision.
Image by Trung Hieu Dang from Pixabay

Introduction to God’s Provision:

Are you in need of God’s provision today? Is there a situation in your life in which you need to experience His answer to your prayer?

In 1 Kings 4:42-44, we see how God’s powerful provision came through at a critical time for Elisha and a large group of prophets that were being mentored by him at that time. 


If we look at 2 Kings 4:38, we find that the region of Gilgal was going through a famine at that time. This meant that food was scarce for Elisha and his students. As a result, verses 39-41 of this chapter show us that the group had just come through a scary moment of food poisoning, due to the preparation of some wild gourds for one of their meals. Thankfully, they were delivered from this attack of food poisoning due to a mighty healing God provided through Elisha ( 2 Kings 4:41).


Devotional : God Still Speaks Prophetically

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“But why am I so favored, that the mother of my Lord should come to me?” (Luke 1:43)

In the story of Jesus’ birth, although Mary had believed and accepted the message of the Angel Gabriel, she may have still been perplexed as to how the message would become reality. She probably needed some assurance and she went to the right person; Elizabeth, who was a godly relative. Elizabeth’s response to the visit was exactly what Mary needed.

Elizabeth’s Prophecy

As Mary and Elizabeth met, two prophetic happenings took place. The first was that the baby in Elizabeth’s womb did a leap of joy, as Elizabeth was filled with the Holy Spirit. The second was that she prophesied over Mary, confirming the Angel’s message to Mary. She said, “Blessed is the Child you will bear”, and then identified Mary as “the mother of my Lord” (Luke 1:39-45). These were powerful prophetic utterances.CONTINUE READING

Devotional : God Speaks in our Daily Routine

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“Do not be afraid. I bring you good news….Today …a Savior has been born to you;… ” (Luke 2:10-11).

Between the Old and New Testaments, God had been silent for over 400 years but at the appointed time, at the birth of Christ, He began to speak. In the Christmas story God spoke at different times through dreams, visions, songs, prophecy and through the Galaxy.

In Luke 2:10-14, an Angel of the Lord appeared to a group of shepherds who were in their daily workplace at night-time. He gave them a message that would change the course of history forever. As the Angel spoke about the birth of the Messiah, a great heavenly choir began a song of praise and the sky shone with the glory of God; probably like an amazing celestial fireworks display.CONTINUE READING

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