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Illustration on Casting Stones:

A writer described an experience he had about casting stones of judgement, while walking on the road one day. He apparently saw a strong, healthy looking man, leaning back lazily against a chair, attending to what seemed like an insignificant task on a board in front of him. ‘What a lazy fellow’, he thought, as he passed by. However, when he turned back for a second look from a different angle, to his horror he realized that the person he had thought ‘lazy’, was without one leg. You can just imagine what went through the mind of the one who had passed judgment so quickly! He realized that the man was far from lazy, and the work he was involved in was hardly insignificant!

The Words of Jesus:

How easily we pass judgment on people; how easily we criticize them; and how easily we build unpleasant thoughts about others? How quickly we cast stones? We do this so often, even though we may be having worse flaws than the one we are criticizing.